Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Programa de viviendas económicas del Municipio de Lakewood
Lakewood Township’s Affordable Housing Program for homeowners is administered by the Lakewood Resource and Referral Center (LRRC).
There are 3 programs currently available:
Down payment assistance program
for Lakewood residents looking to purchase a home. Eligibility criteria can be reviewed here: http://bit.ly/ah2020dpa
The LRRC offers an Online Homeownership Education Certification Course
You will receive a housing education certificate, which is a requirement for many first-time homebuyer mortgage programs. For more information click here.
Mortgage assistance program
for Lakewood residents struggling with a temporary crisis including loss of a job, a wage earner being diagnosed with a debilitating illness that prevents further work, the imposition of an unexpectedly large medical expense, or a necessary and unanticipated repair to an automobile required to get a member of the household to school or work.
The complete eligibility criteria and application can be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/ah2020ma
One-time grant to help cover condominium and homeowner association fees
for Lakewood residents struggling with a temporary crisis causing difficulty paying fees for deed-restricted units.
The complete eligibility criteria and application can be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/ah2020fa
You can call the LRRC at 732-942-9292 with questions regarding any of these programs.
El programa de viviendas económicas para propietarios del Municipio de Lakewood está administrado por Lakewood Resource and Referral Center (LRRC).
Actualmente existen 3 programas disponibles:
Programa de asistencia de anticipo
Para los residentes de Lakewood que buscan comprar una casa. Puedes revisar los criterios de elegibilidad aquí: http://bit.ly/ah2020dpa
Llama al 732-942-9292 ext. 9-743 para registrarte en el próximo seminario de educación de la vivienda.
Programa de asistencia de hipoteca
Para los residentes de Lakewood luchando contra una crisis temporal, incluyendo la pérdida de empleo, el diagnóstico de una enfermedad debilitante que impide que el asalariado siga trabajando, la imposición de un gasto médico alto e inesperado, o la reparación necesaria e imprevista de un automóvil cuyo propósito es llevar a algún miembro de la familia a la escuela o al trabajo.
Puedes descargar todos los criterios y el formulario de elegibilidad aquí: http://bit.ly/ah2020ma
Subsidio único para ayudar a cubrir cuotas de condominio y de asociación de propietario
Para los residentes de Lakewood que luchan contra una crisis temporal que les dificulta el pago de las cuotas de las restricciones de la escritura.
Puedes descargar todos los criterios y el formulario de elegibilidad aquí: http://bit.ly/ah2020fa
Puedes llamar al LRRC al 732-942-9292 si tienes dudas acerca de cualquiera de estos programas.

Affordable Housing Trust Fund Announcement Poster

Affordable Housing Trust Fund Announcement Poster (SPANISH)
Affordable Housing Application - Fees for Deed Restricted Units (Condo and HOA Fee Assistance)
Instructions and Forms

Fees for Deed Restricted Units - Online Application Submission
One-time grant to help cover condominium and homeowner association fees for your deed-restricted unit. This grant is for households struggling with a temporary crisis.
Affordable Housing Application - Down Payment Assistance
Instructions and Forms

Down Payment Assistance - Online Application Submission
Down payment assistance from Lakewood Township’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Affordable Housing Application - Mortgage Assistance
Instructions and Forms

Mortgage Assistance - Online Application Submission
One-time grant to help cover your mortgage payments. This grant is for households struggling with a temporary crisis.

Homeownership Education Course